Session Start: Sun Apr 01 00:35:45 2001
Now talking in #STARTREK-PL
Topic is 'Kanal fanow Kapitana Krzysztow'a :-)'
Sin-bet (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
KasiaS (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
SevenOf9- (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
XiX (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
Beorn (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
K0nd0R (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
MytH (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
SeNtI (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
[Wojtiki`] to jak bedziesz w NY to sobie przywieziesz :P
[fafcoolec] zadnych dziwek :P
[Wojtiki`] [pi]
|Lexx| sets mode: +o Kai`
[Wojtiki`] Kezu kanal biezesz ?
_Seven_ sets mode: +o makarek
Bester (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (Bester)
Xev (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (Xev)
N`Garen (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (N`Garen)
_Uhura_ (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (_Uhura_)
Martok (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (Martok)
Aeryn (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (Aeryn)
Chiana (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (Chiana)
Lili (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (Lili)
Da`an (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (Da`an)
Zo`or (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (Zo`or)
_Seven_ (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (_Seven_)
Tweedle (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (Tweedle)
ChanBot (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (ChanBot)
_Bender_ (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (_Bender_)
ToXiX (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
Traktorek (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
Pifko (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
[Wojtiki`] :P
Czpion (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
|Lexx| (sf@marines) has left #startrek-pl (|Lexx|)
Kai` sets mode: -l
[Fer-Dcc] he he :)
[Fer-Dcc] rotfl :)
makarek sets mode: +o MytH
MytH sets mode: +ooo ToXiX SevenOf9- Czpion
MytH sets mode: +ooo Pifko Traktorek K0nd0R
Jabol (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
DiUnA (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
Beerek- (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
OryClE- (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
Czpion sets mode: +o Jabol
K0nd0R sets mode: +o Beerek-
Czpion sets mode: +o DiUnA
PiWkO (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
K0nd0R sets mode: +o OryClE-
Sin-fein (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
[Ripper^] LoL
Czpion sets mode: +oo PiWkO Sin-fein
[Fer-Dcc] peter dostanie zawalu ;)
MytH sets mode: +ooo SeNtI Sin-bet XiX
TashaYar (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
MytH sets mode: +oo Beorn KasiaS
[fafcoolec] ide po nowe pifo bo mi sie zielono przed oczami robi
[Wojtiki`] :P
SeNtI sets mode: +o TashaYar
Peasant (szturmowiec@z.isdbrowarek) has joined #startrek-pl
ToXiX sets mode: +o Peasant